Dyslexia — The Pattern of Difficulties 0 246 11345 6 1983 Granada Publishing

demiological and genetic studies are competently reviewed. Behavioural problems are discussed in two intriguing chapters one .by C. Dodrill displaying the merits of a quantitative approach, the other by N. Geschwind showing what can be achieved by insight and astute reasoning. Two elder statespersons of epilepsy. A. Earl Walker and Herbet Jasper. provide an ‘Introduction’ and ‘Epilogue’. Not unnaturally they stress the achievements of the past 40 years. However, of greater importance is what remains to be achieved in understanding the pathogenesis of epilepsy and the mechanism of action of anticonvulsant drugs. The technical and conceptual tools now available should ensure that the ARNMD will not wait another 35 years before it feels the need to assess progress.