Notes on the chironomid midges of the subfamilies Chironominae and Orthocladiinae collected by light traps in a rice paddy area in Tokushima (Diptera, Chironomidae)

: Collections of insects were Tokushima in order to study the species and their seasonal prevalence of chironomid midges emerging from the paddies. A total of 32,823 rnales and 41,691 females collected and identified by two light traps operated abeut intem,als from 25 April to 24 October, 1984. They were classified into 30 species of subfamily Chirenominae, 4 species of subfamily Orthocladiinae, and 7 species of subfamily Tanypodinae, and were judged as including one new species and other 5 speeies new to Japan. Morphelo.crical or taxonomical notes were presented with 19 species among them together with figures referring to 16 species.