GRMS or Graphical Representation of Model Spaces

1. Preface.- 2. Introduction.- I: Architecture of Model Spaces.- 1.1 Introducing graphical representation.- 1.2 Labeling and ordering the paths.- 1.3 ? z-adapted graphs in different forms.- 1.4 $${\hat{L}}$$z-adapted graphs.- 1.5 ($${\hat{L}}$$z,?z)-adapted graphs.- 1.6 ?2 -adapted graphs.- 1.7 ($${\hat{L}}$$z,?2)-adapted graphs.- 1.8 ($${\hat{L}}$$2,?2)-adapted graphs.- 1.9 (?2,$${\hat{T}}$$2)-adapted graphs.- 1.10 Spatial symmetry in the graph.- 1.11 Visualization of restricted model spaces.- 1.12 Physical intuitions and graphs.- 1.13 Mathematical remarks.- 1.14 Graphs and computers.- 1.15 Summary and open problems.- II: Quantum Mechanics in Finite Dimensional Spaces.- 2 Matrix elements in model spaces.- 2.1 The shift operators.- A. Definitions.- B. Properties of the shift operators.- C. Examples of operators in Eij basis.- 2.2 General formulas for matrix elements.- 2.3 Matrix elements in the ?z and $${\hat{L}}$$z- adapted spaces.- A. The three-slope graphs.- B. Classification of loops in the three-slope graphs.- C. Graphical rules for matrix elements.- D. Example.- E. Four-slope graphs.- F. Other non-fagot graphs.- G. Matrix elements in the $${\hat{L}}$$z and ($${\hat{L}}$$z, ?z)-adapted spaces.- 2.4 Reduction from ?z to ?2 eigenspace.- 2.5 Matrix elements in the ?2-adapted space.- A. Permutations in the spin space.- B. Spin function transformation (SFT) graph and table.- C. Manipulations with permutations.- D. Presence of the singlet-coupled pairs.- E. Products of shift operators.- F. Evaluation of matrix elements in the ($${\hat{L}}$$z,?2) eigenspace.- 2.6 Non-fagot graphs and the ?2-adapted space.- A. One-body segments.- B. Two-body segments.- C. Summary.- References.