Two Wavelength Characteristic Grain Model for Grinding Wheel

Summary A fresh approach is adopted in this paper to develop a simple mathematical model for the wheel profiles. Twelve different wheel profiles were obtained from grinding wheels of different grain size, hardness and wheel structure and were modeled by Data Dependent Systems (DDS) methodology. The topography of the grinding wheel has been obtained as a convolution of random waves of large wavelength for the grain and small wavelength for the cutting edges. The superimposition of these two waveforms gives the “characteristic grain”. The two wavelength model is found to be adequate for all the twelve different wheel profiles and has been identified with the variables such as grain size and dressing condition. The effect of physical constituents of the wheel on the characteristics of the wheel profile is explained with the parameters provided by DDS models. The two wavelength model shows promise for developing expressions for thermal stresses and establishing a simple strategy for computer control of the grinding process.