Amplifying the voice of youth in Africa via text analytics

U-report is an open-source SMS platform operated by UNICEF Uganda, designed to give community members a voice on issues that impact them. Data received by the system are either SMS responses to a poll conducted by UNICEF, or unsolicited reports of a problem occurring within the community. There are currently 200,000 U-report participants, and they send up to 10,000 unsolicited text messages a week. The objective of the program in Uganda is to understand the data in real-time, and have issues addressed by the appropriate department in UNICEF in a timely manner. Given the high volume and velocity of the data streams, manual inspection of all messages is no longer sustainable. This paper describes an automated message-understanding and routing system deployed by IBM at UNICEF. We employ recent advances in data mining to get the most out of labeled training data, while incorporating domain knowledge from experts. We discuss the trade-offs, design choices and challenges in applying such techniques in a real-world deployment.