Research on the Air Conditioning Water Heater System

The working principles and the basic features of air conditioning water heater (ACWH) system are introduced in this paper. The air conditioning water heater system can operate in five modes: water-heating only, space-cooling and water-heating, space-heating and water-heating, space-cooling, space-heating. Comparatively, the system can provide much better energy performance and higher equipment utilization throughout a year, and cause less thermal pollution than heat pump water heater and common air conditioner. A prototype with five modes was assembled and tested at the ambient temperature from -7 to 43 , especially ℃℃ when frosting. When it works in the water-heating mode, it can supply 55 hot water within two minutes, and the ℃ condensing pressure is just same with common air conditioner. When some modes switch, the temperature of the outlet hot water is constant. Theoretical analysis and experimental study were done to the ACWH in this thesis: 1. The prototype was tested in the air-conditioner laboratory of GREE. The testing data indicate that the prototype accords well with the national standards of air conditioner and heat pump water heater. 2. Based on the experimental results, analysis was done on the ACWH in main operating modes and some important conclusions were given. The results indicate that the new system can save energy through multi-duties, and it can work stably in five work modes with high efficiency. Compared with other models, the new system also includes air-conditioning unit and water heater unit, but with fewer components and higher reliability. Based on common air conditioner, this system can offer a practicable solution coupling air conditioner and water heater. It must be changing the markets of both air conditioner and water heater.