RotateConv: Making Asymmetric Convolutional Kernels Rotatable

In deep Convolutional Neural Networks(CNN), the design of kernel shapes influences a lot on the model size and performance. In this work, our proposed method, RotateConv, applies a novel kernel shape to massively reduce the number of parameters while maintaining considerable performance. The new shape is extremely simple as a line segment one, and we equip it with the rotatable ability which aims to learn diverse features with respect to different angles. The kernel weights and angles are learned simultaneously during end-to-end training via the standard back-propagation algorithm. There are two variants of RotateConv that only have 2 and 4 parameters respectively depending on whether using weight sharing, which are much compressed than the normal $3\times 3$ kernel with 9 parameters. In experiments, we validate our RotateConv with two classical models, ResNet and DenseNet, on four image classification benchmark datasets, namely MNIST, CIFAR10, CIFAR100 and SVHN.

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