method for filtering of triangle strip in rendering system of view-dependency Level Of Detail based

The present invention views - providing a filtering method for efficient triangle strip to remove repetitive vertex for Skip strip (skip strip) structure for rendering the dependent LOD (Level Of Detail) mesh effectively effectively effectively create triangle strips for display for such, the method comprising expressing a triangular mesh composed of triangles in a 3D graphic image as a triangle strip, applying a short process, such as line short (edge ​​collapse) operator for the generated triangular meshes to two vertices of the triangle steps and, a step of expressing the simplified process by skipping a strip, a triangle strip extracted from the skipped strip degenerate triangle elimination filter: extracting only those vertices forming a triangle with (degenerate triangle Free-filter DTFF) an effective extraction use the triangle vertices as a triangle strip And a step of optimizing, send the vertex triangle strips optimized using the valid triangle with graphics engine may makin comprises the step of performing the rendering. Three-dimensional graphics hardware, triangle mesh, triangle strip, the strip skipped, LOD