GeneProf: analysis of high-throughput sequencing experiments

Existing tools are hence not sufficient to make highthroughput sequencing data fully accessible to the entire research community. To address these challenges, we developed GeneProf, which combines (i) an easy-to-use data analysis suite that automates the analysis process with (ii) a comprehensive resource of integrated, readily interpretable and reusable analysis results. GeneProf ’s user interface is web-based, obviating the need to install specialized software (Supplementary Figs. 1 and 2). The system uses a dedicated, remote compute cluster to carry out large-scale genomic analyses, simultaneously dealing with many computationally demanding tasks. GeneProf is available online ( and is free for academic researchers. Technical details are available in Supplementary Discussion and Supplementary Figure 3. GeneProf simplifies the construction of complex workflows by providing assistive web forms (‘wizards’) that conceal the underlying complexities of workflow programming. These wizards reconceive common, best-practice analysis steps as a series of logical stages, which researchers can customize easily by answering only a few basic questions. Users may change wizard-generated workflows to suit specialized requirements, maintaining full methodological flexibility. GeneProf: analysis of high-throughput sequencing experiments