Study of smart grid for Thailand and identification of the required research and development
Global warming necessitates a variety of responses including efficient energy use to reduce carbon emissions. The associated cost reduction should affect economic growth in general. For electricity, smart grid is an upcoming technology being applied currently in developed countries. Australia, Canada, China and the United States are planning to finish the smart grid in 2010–2012, while the European Union has been applying it since 2005. We believe Thailand should start considering this technology immediately. This paper deploy technology roadmapping approach to identify the research and development needed to support the smart grid in Thailand. We will define the smart grid and discuss its current status in Thailand. Its establishment will require the employment of a collection of technologies, including information, operational, communication, energy and consumer technologies. Ongoing projects and ready-to-use technologies will be reviewed, the policies and plans related to electricity delivery infrastructure will be analyzed, and Thailand's readiness for smart grid will be assessed. The main focus will be on identifying the existing problems that need further research and development. By analyzing capabilities of Thailand's research and by surveying the market, some predictions for next essential developments can be made. This paper will be useful for research organizations.