Description of the goose coccidium Eimeria stigmosa (Klimes, 1963), with evidence of intranuclear development.

Oocysts of Eimeria stigmosa isolated from a wild juvenile lesser snow goose (Anser caerulescens caerulescens) were used in experimental infections of laboratory-reared geese. The structure of oocysts is described; a peculiar bumpy surface and a calyx-like thickening around the micropyle are illustrated by scanning electron microscopy. Experimentally infected geese had reduced feed intake and passed blood in their feces. Six days post-inoculation (p.i.) oocysts were passed for about 24 hr. Oocyst production was not increased in dexamethasone-treated geese. Complete sporulation of oocysts occurred after about 3.5 days. Developmental stages in lesser snow geese were occasionally present throughout the intestine, but were concentrated at Meckel's diverticulum, and at foci in the ileum and colon. Meronts were found 2, 3 and 4 days p.i. and gamonts and developing oocysts were observed 4, 5 and 5.5 days p.i. All endogenous stages of E. stigmosa were present in the nucleoplasm of enterocytes, primarily at the apical half of villi. Nuclear hypertrophy occurred in infected cells and nuclei containing gamonts were enlarged up to 4 times their normal size. Mild lesions were observed in the intestine of infected geese. Patent infections were established in lesser snow, Canada (Branta canadensis) and domestic (Anser anser domesticus) geese, but oocysts were not passed by inoculated ducks.