Giant cell carcinoma of thyroid.

Case 1 (u. 1870)/ J.B. , a 65-year-old \rhite man , entered Passavant Memoria l Hospital on January 2, 1952, with rompla in ts of hemoptysis and marked weakness of two to t hree weeks duration. He had a lso felt more tired t han usual for three to four months. Weight decrea..:ed more rapidly t han his reducing diet or loss of appetite \rould indicate. There \\"11", mild, intermittent, dull , chest pain on the right side, somewhat to the front. Some difficulty in breathing wa experienced. hxamination revealed an obe e, lethargic " 'hi te man , appearing older t han hi stated age. Blood pressure " 'as 138/ 74; pul ·e. 88; re piration , 24. There was tenderness to palpation over the left lobe of the thyroid. The breath sounds were diminished and there wa decreased resonance over the left upper lobe posteriorly and left lower lobe anteriolaterally . There wa slight generalized tenderness throughout the abdomen. One enlarged lymph node was felt in the left axilla. All laboratory data were noncontributory to a correct interpretation . Biopsy was not performed. A chest X-ray showed a right sided, posterior, suprahilar mass.