Multiple Choice Learning: Learning to Produce Multiple Structured Outputs

We address the problem of generating multiple hypotheses for structured prediction tasks that involve interaction with users or successive components in a cascaded architecture. Given a set of multiple hypotheses, such components/users typically have the ability to retrieve the best (or approximately the best) solution in this set. The standard approach for handling such a scenario is to first learn a single-output model and then produce M-Best Maximum a Posteriori (MAP) hypotheses from this model. In contrast, we learn to produce multiple outputs by formulating this task as a multiple-output structured-output prediction problem with a loss-function that effectively captures the setup of the problem. We present a max-margin formulation that minimizes an upper-bound on this loss-function. Experimental results on image segmentation and protein side-chain prediction show that our method outperforms conventional approaches used for this type of scenario and leads to substantial improvements in prediction accuracy.


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