Environmental Assessment for the Hilltop Community Services District, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio

Abstract : WPAFB identified a need to serve the growing military and civilian community with convenient access to modern, consolidated facilities in Area B of the Base. The Proposed Action would meet that need by constructing a new Wright Patt Credit Union branch, an Army Air Force Exchange Service Exchange Express (convenience store, gas station, and fast food), a food service establishment (restaurant and pub), an undefined community facility, and parking. The site for the Proposed Action is the Hilltop area bound by Hobson Way, 10th Street, Skyline Drive, and 8th Street. This environmental assessment evaluates and compares the potential for significant adverse impacts of implementing the Proposed Action, an alternative short range plan that provides only for the Exchange Express and Credit Union, and from taking no action. The Proposed Action would have no impact to biological resources, cultural resources, environmental justice/protection of children, geology, land use, water resources, infrastructure, and visual resources. Temporary impacts that are not significant would occur to air quality, soils, noise, and transportation. Adherence to regulations and best management practices would ensure no significant impacts related to hazardous materials and waste management and to health and safety. There would be beneficial, yet negligible effects to the local economy and employment. The alternative short range plan would have impacts similar to but generally less than the Proposed Action. The No Action alternative would have no impact. In accordance with Section 7 of the Endangered Species Act, WPAFB received concurrence from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service with the determination of no effect to listed species. WPAFB requested concurrence from the State Historic Preservation Officer (SHPO) under Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act with the determination of no adverse effect to historic properties.