Faster neighbor finding on images represented by bincodes

Abstract The Interpolation-Based Bintree (IBB) is a new encoding scheme for representing binary images and is storage-saving. In the IBB only the black leaves are saved, called bincodes, as the compressed codes for the image. In this paper a fast neighbor finding algorithm is presented on bincodes. Given a sequence of bincodes with size n , our algorithm is performed in O (( l max − l min + 1) × n ) time with the same memory complexity, where l max and l min are the maximal level and the minimal level, respectively, at which the given bincodes reside. Our algorithm is faster than the previous one [C.-Y. Huang and K.-L. Chung, Pattern Recognition 28 (3),409–420 (1995)]. Experimental results for a practical version are included. The experimental values confirm our theoretical results.