Functional MRI statistical software packages: A comparative analysis

Currently, there are many choices of software packages for the analysis of fMRI data, each offering many options. Since no one package can meet the needs of all fMRI laboratories, it is helpful to know what each package offers. Several software programs were evaluated for comparison of their documentation, ease of learning and use, referencing, data input steps required, types of statistical methods offered, and output choices. The functionality of each package was detailed and discussed. AFNI 2.01, SPM96, Stimulate 5.0, MEDIMAX 2.01, and FIT were tested. FIASCO, Yale, and MEDx 2.0 were described but not tested. A description of each package is provided. Hum. Brain Mapping 6:73–84, 1998. © 1998 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.

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