Realtime Initialization of Planning and Analysis Simulations Based on C4ISR System Data

Abstract : Simulations have been used during exercises within analysis and planning cells for much of the past decade. However, the usefulness of such simulations is dependent on the ability to rapidly enter data from the tactical picture into the simulation, for use as a starting point for running analyses. Current methods for pulling in such C4ISR data rely on manual data entry that can introduce errors and take significant time to accomplish. This paper discusses an approach that allows automated initialization of simulations that takes advantage of an existing High Level Architecture (HLA) Runtime Infrastructure (RTI) interface within the Global Command and Control System (GCCS). During the Navy's Global 2001 wargaming exercise, this approach was used to rapidly initialize the Naval Simulation System (NSS) for use in performing Course of Action (COA) analysis in the Naval Forces (NAVFOR) cell. The introduction of an automated feed from GCCS not only reduced the initialization time required for NSS, but also allowed analysts to evaluate more complex scenarios with larger track groups. A similar approach using the same GCCS HLA interface was successfully demonstrated with the Integrated Theater Engagement Model (ITEM) as part of exercise RSOI in April 02 for United States Forces Korea (USFK).