Hand off method of asynchronous mobile station from asynchronous system to synchronous system

The present invention relates to a handoff method between an asynchronous system and a synchronous system of a mobile communication system, in particular an asynchronous mobile station in this case to be handed off from the radio network in the asynchronous communication system to the radio network of the synchronous communication mode, in a radio network in the asynchronous communication mode provided Com pressed mode to as handoff processing method characterized in that (Compressed mode) to know the asynchronous mobile station information in the radio network of the synchronous communication mode using the techniques, such as, the method of the present invention is the synchronization in an asynchronous system a handoff to the system by enabling seamless handoff reduces the initial search time and provides an effect that clearly guarantee the user mobility. Mobile communication system, IMT-2000, a handoff, the synchronous base station and the asynchronous base station, com pressed mode,