Strain-Enhanced CMOS Through Novel Process-Substrate Stress Hybridization of Super-Critically Thick Strained Silicon Directly on Insulator (SC-SSOI)

This paper describes a biaxial-uniaxial hybridized strained CMOS technology achieved through selective uniaxial relaxation of thick SSOI, dual-stress nitride capping layer, and embedded SiGe source/drain. Through novel strain engineering, nFET/pFET Idsat enhancements as high as 27%/36% have been achieved for sub-40nm devices at 1V with 30% reduction in gate leakage current, while introducing minimum process complexity. This work demonstrates the scalability of SC-SSOI and its advantages over pure biaxial and single uniaxial strained Si technologies

[2]  Performance of super-critical strained-Si directly on insulator (SC-SSOI) CMOS based on high-performance PD-SOI technology , 2005, Digest of Technical Papers. 2005 Symposium on VLSI Technology, 2005..