Pan European Phenological database (PEP725): a single point of access for European data

The Pan European Phenology (PEP) project is a European infrastructure to promote and facilitate phenological research, education, and environmental monitoring. The main objective is to maintain and develop a Pan European Phenological database (PEP725) with an open, unrestricted data access for science and education. PEP725 is the successor of the database developed through the COST action 725 “Establishing a European phenological data platform for climatological applications” working as a single access point for European-wide plant phenological data. So far, 32 European meteorological services and project partners from across Europe have joined and supplied data collected by volunteers from 1868 to the present for the PEP725 database. Most of the partners actively provide data on a regular basis. The database presently holds almost 12 million records, about 46 growing stages and 265 plant species (including cultivars), and can be accessed via Users of the PEP725 database have studied a diversity of topics ranging from climate change impact, plant physiological question, phenological modeling, and remote sensing of vegetation to ecosystem productivity.

[1]  U. Meier Growth stages of mono- and dicotyledonous plants: BBCH Monograph , 2018 .

[2]  B. Guan Ensemble empirical mode decomposition for analyzing phenological responses to warming , 2014 .

[3]  Jonas Dierenbach,et al.  The plant phenological online database (PPODB): an online database for long-term phenological data , 2013, International Journal of Biometeorology.

[4]  H. Scheifinger,et al.  Is Citizen Science the Recipe for the Survival of Paper-Based Phenological Networks in Europe? , 2016 .

[5]  James E. Mower,et al.  Climatic factors controlling plant sensitivity to warming , 2014, Climatic Change.

[6]  Heikki Hänninen,et al.  Increased heat requirement for leaf flushing in temperate woody species over 1980–2012: effects of chilling, precipitation and insolation , 2015, Global change biology.

[7]  Yanhong Tang,et al.  Plant phenological synchrony increases under rapid within-spring warming , 2016, Scientific Reports.

[8]  Brian J. McGill,et al.  Sensitivity of Spring Phenology to Warming Across Temporal and Spatial Climate Gradients in Two Independent Databases , 2012, Ecosystems.

[9]  E. Dufrene,et al.  Tree phenological ranks repeat from year to year and correlate with growth in temperate deciduous forests , 2017 .

[10]  Eike Luedeling,et al.  Sensitivity of Grapevine Phenology to Water Availability, Temperature and CO2 Concentration , 2016, Front. Environ. Sci..

[11]  Helder Fraga,et al.  Modelling climate change impacts on viticultural yield, phenology and stress conditions in Europe , 2016, Global change biology.

[12]  M. Shen,et al.  Emerging opportunities and challenges in phenology: a review , 2016 .

[13]  Peter M. Atkinson,et al.  Intercomparison of satellite sensor land surface phenology and ground phenology in Europe , 2015 .

[14]  Annette Menzel,et al.  Recent spring phenology shifts in western Central Europe based on multiscale observations , 2014 .

[15]  A. Menzel,et al.  Soil water storage appears to compensate for climatic aridity at the xeric margin of European tree species distribution , 2017, European Journal of Forest Research.

[16]  P. Ciais,et al.  The influence of local spring temperature variance on temperature sensitivity of spring phenology , 2014, Global change biology.

[17]  Shilong Piao,et al.  Variation in leaf flushing date influences autumnal senescence and next year’s flushing date in two temperate tree species , 2014, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

[18]  Annette Menzel,et al.  Growing season extended in Europe , 1999, Nature.

[19]  Q. Ge,et al.  Impacts of global warming on phenology of spring leaf unfolding remain stable in the long run , 2017, International Journal of Biometeorology.

[20]  Rik Leemans,et al.  Faculty Opinions recommendation of European phenological response to climate change matches the warming pattern. , 2006 .

[21]  A. Menzel,et al.  Can we detect a nonlinear response to temperature in European plant phenology? , 2016, International Journal of Biometeorology.

[22]  Mark D. Schwartz,et al.  Green-wave phenology , 1998, Nature.

[23]  F. Wielgolaski,et al.  The history and current status of plant phenology in Europe , 2008 .

[24]  P. Ciais,et al.  Leaf onset in the northern hemisphere triggered by daytime temperature , 2015, Nature Communications.

[25]  V. Rodriguez-Galiano,et al.  Extreme warm temperatures alter forest phenology and productivity in Europe. , 2016, The Science of the total environment.

[26]  G. Demarée,et al.  From “Periodical Observations” to “Anthochronology” and “Phenology” – the scientific debate between Adolphe Quetelet and Charles Morren on the origin of the word “Phenology” , 2011, International journal of biometeorology.

[27]  Jing M. Chen,et al.  Circumpolar vegetation dynamics product for global change study. , 2016 .

[28]  A. Jönsson,et al.  Process‐based models not always better than empirical models for simulating budburst of Norway spruce and birch in Europe , 2014, Global change biology.

[29]  Frédéric Baret,et al.  Vegetation baseline phenology from kilometric global LAI satellite products , 2016 .


[31]  M. Williamson,et al.  Relationships between first flowering date and temperature in the flora of a locality in central England , 1995 .

[32]  Jan Verbesselt,et al.  Trends in Spring Phenology of Western European Deciduous Forests , 2013, Remote Sensing.

[33]  David Basler,et al.  What role for photoperiod in the bud burst phenology of European beech , 2012, European Journal of Forest Research.

[34]  Min Chen,et al.  A new seasonal‐deciduous spring phenology submodel in the Community Land Model 4.5: impacts on carbon and water cycling under future climate scenarios , 2016, Global change biology.

[35]  D. Basler Evaluating phenological models for the prediction of leaf-out dates in six temperate tree species across central Europe , 2016 .

[36]  Philippe Ciais,et al.  Declining global warming effects on the phenology of spring leaf unfolding , 2015, Nature.

[37]  I. Chuine,et al.  Phenological plasticity will not help all species adapt to climate change , 2015, Global change biology.

[38]  José A. Sobrino,et al.  Phenology Estimation From Meteosat Second Generation Data , 2013, IEEE J. Sel. Top. Appl. Earth Obs. Remote. Sens..

[39]  D. Simpson,et al.  Towards the use of dynamic growing seasons in a chemical transport model , 2012 .

[40]  C. Müller,et al.  Simulation of the phenological development of wheat and maize at the global scale , 2015 .