Prediction of the meat content of the carcass and valuable carcass parts in French lop rabbits using some traits measured in vivo and post mortem

The experiment was performed on 60 French lop rabbits raised under extensive conditions and sacrificed at body weight of about 3 kg. It was found that the best indicators of meat weight (g) in rabbit carcasses were body weight, head width and lower thigh length among the traits measured in vivo, and carcass weight, chest girth and thigh circumference among the traits measured post mortem. In vivo prediction of saddle meatiness may be based on body weight, trunk length and thigh length, whereas post-slaughter estimation - on carcass weight, hip circumference and thigh circumference. Total meat weight in the hind half of the carcass may be predicted in vivo on the basis of body weight, head width and lower thigh length, and post mortem - on the basis of carcass weight, chest girth, hip circumference, thigh circumference and pelvic width. Multiple regression equations for meat weight estimation in the whole carcass and its middle and hind part were derived in the study. These equa - tions may be applied in selection work directed towards an improvement in carcass meatiness. They may also be used to evaluate the results of experiments conducted on French lops.

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