Status of the pulsed magnetic field electron cyclotron resonance ion source

Synchrotrons like the heavy‐ion synchrotron SIS at GSI need an efficient low duty cycle injector (typical 1‐pulse/s and 200‐μs pulse length). To improve the peak current, an electron cyclotron resonance (ECR) ion source has been designed using a pulsed magnetic field (PuMa) to force ion extraction. We replaced the hexapole of a 10‐GHz Minimafios ECR ion source by a vacuum chamber containing a water‐cooled bilayered solenoid coil and a decapole permanent magnetic structure. A pulse line feeds the solenoid with a 250‐μs pulse which increases the magnetic field in the minimum B region by 0.3 T. This process opens the magnetic bottle along the beam axis resulting in an extracted ion pulse. First tests of the PuMa ECR configuration in cw and pulsed operation are presented and analyzed.