Extensions to the IODEF-Document Class for Phishing, Fraud, and Other Crimeware
This document extends the INCH WG's IODEF XML incident reporting
format for reporting phishing, fraud, other types of electronic crime,
and widespread spam incidents. Although the term "phishing attack" is
used, the data format extensions are flexible enough to support
information gleaned from activities throughout the entire electronic
fraud life cycle and extensible enough to be used for other types of
electronic crime incidents, along with simple spam. The extensions
support very simple reporting as well as optional fields for detailed
forensic reports, and support single phish/fraud incidents as well as
consolidated reports of multiple phish incidents. Sections 1 and 2 of
this document introduce the high-level report format. Sections 3 and 4
describe the data elements of the fraud extensions. This document
includes an XML schema for the extensions and a few example fraud