Multibrennstoffkonzept für die Gasturbinen der 3A-Familie von Siemens
To achieve an optimum in fuel flexibility Siemens gas turbines of the 3A series are designed with a newly developed liquid fuel system for the use of a variety of liquid fuels ranging from special fuels like Naphtha or Gas Condensates to the more convenient Gasoil, thereby allowing to switch over between alternative fuels during gas turbine operation. Due to low flash point of Naphtha and Gas Condensate caused by high vapour pressure of such fuels the liquid fuel system is designed ex-protected and specific purging procedures during start up and shut down of the gas turbine are necessary. Water addition directly into the fuel has been proven to be mostly efficient in NO x reduction. Specific control measures are realised to use liquid fuels of quite different density and their mixtures with water. Fuel change over from natural gas to Gasoil and vice versa close to base load was proven successfully.