Microscopy study of the conductive filament in HfO2 resistive switching memory devices

We study resistive switching memories with Hf or Ti metal oxygen exchange layers.STEM dark field and EELS are used to observe the conductive filament.The filament is a cone-shaped metal-rich region in the HfO2 dielectric layer.Composition of the metallic filament is dominated by Hf or Ti depending on the OEL. A detailed physical analysis of the conductive filament electrically formed in HfO2-based resistive switching memory devices with both Hf and Ti metal oxygen exchange layers is presented. The filament, observed by applying transmission electron microscopy (TEM), scanning TEM (STEM), and electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELS) techniques to 50i?50nm2 cells, is a cone-shaped metal-rich region in the HfO2 dielectric of the resistive switching device.