Abstract Report of some clinical observations in 16 patients with severe and most severe burns of 19 eyes. Major problems were delayed regeneration of the epithelium, extensive ulceration of the sclera near the limbus, and subsequent corneal ulceration. The therapy with anti‐inflammatory drugs, macromolecular hyaluronic acid, fi‐bronectin, epidermal growth factor, free transplants of oral mucosa and conjunctiva was sometimes helpful, but could not induce stable epithelial regeneration. The major problem remained the inability of the epithelium to regenerate on the cornea. Therefore, an artificial epithelium was applied in many cases. When healthy conjunctiva touched closely the artificial epithelium at the limbus, it remained tightly attached to the corneal stroma, preserved it's structure and even prevented corneal vascularisation for many months. However, when corneo‐scleral ulceration was present, the artificial epithelium failed to protect the corneal stroma from secondary ulceration and sloughed off. Therefore, new surgical procedures, a conjunctiva‐Tenon flap and a Tenon plasty were introduced to cover and to cure corneoscleral ulceration. These operations formed a new limbus, attached tightly to the rim of the artificial epithelium and prevented secondary ulceration underneath. Then under the protection of the artificial epithelium and the Tenon plasty the eye could be treated topically with corticosteroids for a long time. When the inflammatory response to the burn was healed, the natural epithelium recovered and the eye became ready for successful keratoplasty.
M. Reim,et al.
Die Tenonplastik als neues Operationsprinzip in der Frühbehandlung schwerster Verätzungen*
Abteilung Augenheilkunde,et al.
Behandlung von Verätzungen*
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Prevention of stromal ulceration in the alkali-burned rabbit cornea by glued-on contact lens. Evidence for the role of polymorphonuclear leukocytes in collagen degradation.
Investigative ophthalmology & visual science.
M. Reim,et al.
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Klinische Monatsblatter fur Augenheilkunde.
M. Reim,et al.
[Tenonplasty as a new surgical principle in the early treatment of the most severe chemical eye burns].
Klinische Monatsblatter fur Augenheilkunde.
M. Reim,et al.
Clinical application of epiderm growth factor in patients with most severe eye burns.
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M. Reim,et al.
Effect of epidermal growth factor in severe experimental alkali burns.
Ophthalmic research.
M. Reim.
Zur Behandlung schwerster Verätzungen und Verbrennungen der Bindehaut
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Bulletin de la Societe belge d'ophtalmologie.
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Morphologische und biochemische Befunde bei experimentellen Verätzungen mit Alkali