Axisymmetric substitute structures for circular disks with noncentral holes

Abstract For economical finite element calculations of aero-engine disks it is advantageous to use an axisymmetric FE-model. However, disks often contain noncentral holes, for example bolt holes which disturb the axial symmetry. In the present article methods are described on how to find axisymmetric substitute structures for these local disturbances. The substitute structures have been constructed in such a way that the stresses they predict reproduce those in the original structure far away from the hole region. The stresses in the original structure were calculated by applying the formulas obtained by Muskhelishvili for a ring and for a hole in infinite space in an alternating way. An important asset of the substitute structures is that they allow for the prediction of the stress peaks occurring at the hole surfaces. This has been achieved by the determination of appropriate stress concentration factors which must be applied to the respective model stresses. For the practically relevant cases, the developed substitute structures are independent of the specific load conditions and only depend on a single geometric parameter characterizing the relative distance between the holes.