A prototype HeartQuest ventricular assist device for particle image velocimetry measurements.

The objective of this study is to fully characterize the flow within the HeartQuest ventricular assist device (VAD), a magnetically levitated centrifugal VAD, using particle image velocimetry (PIV) to identify regions of potential high shear or stagnation and validate and refine computational models of the flow. An acrylic model of the pump was designed and constructed to allow optical access into all interior regions of the pump. The geometry of the exterior housing and the use of a novel working fluid make quantitative measurements of velocity within the exit volute, blade passage, cut-water, blade tip clearance, and pump inlet possible. Highly accurate velocity measurements using particle PIV have been made in one region (the inlet elbow), and measurements in the other critical regions of the pump will be made. These measurements are used for investigation of regions with potential for hemolysis resulting from high shear stress or with potential for thrombosis caused by recirculation or stagnation. Quantitative velocity data are also needed for comparison with computational fluid dynamics (CFD) models of the VAD. In this study, experiments have again proven to be an essential complement to CFD for thorough investigations of the flow inside the pump.