An Operational Approach for Generating the Global Land Surface Downward Shortwave Radiation Product From MODIS Data

Surface shortwave net radiation (SSNR) and surface downward shortwave radiation (DSR) are the two surface shortwave radiation components in earth’s radiation budget and the fundamental quantities of energy available at the earth’s surface. Although several global radiation products from global circulation models, global reanalyses, and satellite observations have been released, their coarse spatial resolutions and low accuracies limit their application. In this paper, the Global LAnd Surface Satellite (GLASS) DSR product was generated from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer top-of-atmosphere (TOA) spectral reflectance based on a direct-estimation method. First, the TOA reflectances were derived based on the atmospheric radiative transfer simulations under different solar/view geometries; second, a linear regression relationship between the TOA reflectance and SSNR was developed under various atmospheric conditions and surface properties for different solar/view geometries; third, the coefficients derived from the linear regression were used to compute the SSNR; and finally, the DSR was estimated using the SSNR estimates and broadband albedo at the surface. A 13-year (2003–2015) GLASS DSR product was generated at a 5-km spatial resolution and 1-day temporal resolution. Compared with the ground measurements collected from 525 stations from 2003 to 2005 around the world, the model-computed SSNR (DSR) had an overall bias of 8.82 (3.72) W/m2 and a root mean square error of 28.83 (32.84) W/m2 at the daily time scale. Moreover, the global land annual mean of the DSR was determined to be 184.8 W/m2 with a standard deviation of 0.8 W/m2 over a 13-year (2003–2015) period.

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