Performance analysis – a 2004 perspective.
The British Olympic Association’s Biomechanics Steering Group was redefined, over a period of time, to include notational analysis, and later motor control, to become the Performance Analysis Steering Group. Where are we now with Performance Analysis? As this Steering Group reaches the end of its natural span, let us examine how notational analysis has changed over the last 20 years, and how developments over the last 5 years have materially effected this area of Performance Analysis. Current technology has the potential of bringing us all, biomechanists, notational analysts and motor control scientists, together but it is sometimes difficult to explore a new modus operandi, especially away from the safe confines of a laboratory. This could be a unique opportunity to implement all the promise offered by digital technology. The challenge to the new structures in the BOA support mechanisms is then not just to enable, but also to prompt these crucial areas of sports science support to work closely together.
[1] Mike D Hughes,et al. The use of performance indicators in performance analysis , 2002, Journal of sports sciences.
[2] Roger Bartlett,et al. Performance analysis: can bringing together biomechanics and notational analysis benefit coaches? , 2001 .