Performance ofContinual Quality Improvement forLearning Process ina Microwave Engineering BasedCoreSubject
AttheFaculty ofElectrical Engineering (FKE),Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Skudai campus, Communication Systemisa coresubject offered tothesenior students oftheElectrical Engineering Undergraduate Program. Thestudent enrolment isthelargest. Thispaperdescribes the continual quality improvement performance measured forthelearning process ofthestudents. Cooperative Learning (CL)technique hasbeensuccessively introduced, a seriouscontinuous effortin implementing alternative teaching method toenhance student learning process andinculcate generic skills that havebeennoticeably lacked amongstudents and recent graduates. ItwasfoundthatallCL classes achieved impressive 100% passes, with>80% achieved aminimumofBsgrade andallperformed >Csgrade. TheCL class overall performances were veryimpressive. The students exhibited higher retention rates andbetter understanding ofthecourse materials. Thefindings aresignificant inverifying the improvement observed inthequality ofthesaid learning process.