Implementing a fully polynomial time approximation scheme for all terminal network reliability

The classic all-terminal network reliability problem posits a graph, each of whose edges fails (disappears) independently with some given probability. The goal is to determine the probability that the network becomes disconnected due to edge failures. The practical applications of this question to communication networks are obvious, and the problem has therefore been the subject of a great deal of study. Since it is tjp-complete, and thus believed hard to solve exactly, a great deal of research has been devoted to estimating the failure probability. A comprehensive survey can be found in [Co187]. The first author recently presented an algorithm for approximating the probability of network disconnection under random edge failures. In this paper, we report on our experience implementing this algorithm. Our implementation shows that the algorithm is practical on networks of moderate size, and indeed works better than the theoretical bounds predict. Part of this improvement arises from heuristic modifications to the theoretical algorithm, while another part suggests that the theoretical running time analysis of the algorithm might not be tight. Based on our observation of the implementation, we were able to devise analytic explanations of at least some of the improved performance. As one example, we formally prove the accuracy of a simple heuristic approximation for the reliability. We also discuss other questions raised by the implementation which might be susceptible to analysis.