The Contractile Properties of a Crab Respiratory Muscle

1. Contraction of scaphognathite muscle L2B of the green crab Carcinus maenas is strongly dependent on stimulus number and frequency. Single, supramaximal stimuli evoke little or no tension. When stimulated with shocks in either short bursts (10 stimuli in 0.5s or less) or long bursts (5 s of stimulation), the isometric tension from the muscle increases with increasing stimulus frequency to a maximum at about 150 Hz at 15°C, beyond which tension declines with further increase in stimulus frequency. 2. There can be facilitation of both contraction and relaxation between short bursts of stimuli. Facilitation of contraction is seen as increasing tension on successive bursts of a series, even when the interburst interval is long enough for relaxation to be completed during the interval. Interburst facilitation lasts at least 10 s. Facilitation of relaxation is seen as progressively faster relaxation from burst to burst of a series, and relaxation to lower tension levels when the interburst interval is so short that relaxation is incomplete in the interburst interval. 3. Maximum isometric tension occurs at muscle lengths slightly longer than the longest muscle length reached in vivo . Tension declines rapidly with changes in muscle length away from the optimum length. The maximum isometric tension was about 12 N cm −2 . 4. The maximum shortening velocity of a tetanically activated muscle was determined as 1.9 lengthss −1 (Ls −1 ) by extrapolation of force-velocity curves to zero force and 3.3 Ls −1 by slack test measurements. 5. The scaphognathite muscle would be classified as a slow or tonic muscle on the basis of its requirements for multiple stimulation to reach full activation, and as a moderately fast muscle on the basis of its force-velocity properties.