Large deletions of the KCNV2 gene are common in patients with cone dystrophy with supernormal rod response
R. Salati | B. Lorenz | E. Zrenner | T. Rosenberg | F. Cremers | J. Heckenlively | C. Wolf | C. Hoyng | M. Bonin | H. Jägle | A. Plomp | H. Dollfus | C. Friedburg | B. Wissinger | S. Kohl | B. Baumann | U. Kellner | Simone Schaich | D. Zobor | B. Leroy | A. Bernd | P. Enyedi | Alexandra Sauer | B. Varsányi | G. Rudolph | M. Andrassi-Darida | E. de Baere