Investigation of Passive Film Properties and Pitting Resistance of AISI 316 in Aqueous Ethanoic Acid Containing Chloride Ions using Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy(EIS)

The structure and properties of the passive film formed on the surface of AISI 316 stainless steel in aqueous ethanoic acid have been investigated using EIS. Experiments were carried out at 30 oC in different concentrations of ethanoic acid. Effects on the film properties due to the change of electrode potential, exposure durations and addition of chloride ions to the electrolyte were also studied. Impedance parameters were determined using simple model and equivalent electrical circuit. Results suggest the formation of multilayered passive film on the steel surface. The film possessed dual structure. Inner layers were thin and compact, whereas the outer layer was porous and defective. The measured capacitive behavior was of non ideal nature and hence replaced by constant phase element or CPE. Formation of the passive film and the change in its structure has been explained using impedance parameters.