French market, january 2004 : indicators. Banana, avocado, orange, grapefruit, easy peelers, litchi
Banana: The year began badly. The volumes sold and the average price were 10% down on the average for recent years. This performance was made worse by the fact that January accounts for a large share of annual sales. The cause seems to have been extremely sluggish demand, especially in northern Europe, because of the cold weather in the second half of the month. Avocado: Market performance was poor again. Supplies of Hass were ample because of the quantities remaining unsold after December operations and distinctly outweighed the still disappointing demand. The market for green varieties continued to suffer from lack of interest by distributors. Orange: Performance was extremely satisfactory in comparison with both the average and the situation last year, especially as the market context was extremely difficult. Sales of Navel and Naveline from Spain were steady at a good level. The situation was more difficult for the variety Maltese, especially for small fruits, but the prices increased. Grapefruit: Performance was very poor for the second month running. Difficulties in selling Florida fruits strongly affected the market situation. On the one hand, the sales recovery only lasted for the period of promotion operations in the first half of the month. On the other hand, the large stocks of fruits available at the beginning of the month meant that supplies were comparatively ample in spite of slightly under-average arrivals. In this context, fruits of other origins found it difficult to establish a position. Easy peelers: Although performance did not match the exceptional 2002/2003 season, the level was nonetheless good. A decrease in supplies resulting from an overall shortage of late varieties was more than compensated by a marked increase in the average price. Only Spain displayed a poorer performance with difficulties in selling certain clementine and Clemenvilla brands because of uneven quality and recurrent difficulty for Hernandina in gaining a foothold on the market. Litchi: The same situation as in December prevailed for litchi shipped by sea, with the market becoming increasingly difficult because of the large quantities released, uneven quality in the fruits received and dwindling demand. The small trade window for air-shipped litchis from Reunion soon closed because of the fall in quality of the goods. (Resume d'auteur)