Differential space-time modulation for DS-CDMA systems

Differential space–time modulation (DSTM) schemes were recently proposed to fully exploit the transmit and receive antenna diversities without the need for channel state information. DSTM is attractive in fast flat fading channels since accurate channel estimation is difficult to achieve. In this paper, we propose a new modulation scheme to improve the performance of DS-CDMA systems in fast time-dispersive fading channels. This scheme is referred to as the differential space–time modulation for DS-CDMA (DST-CDMA) systems. The new modulation and demodulation schemes are especially studied for the fast fading down-link transmission in DS-CDMA systems employing multiple transmit antennas and one receive antenna. We present three demodulation schemes, referred to as the differential space–time Rake (DSTR) receiver, differential space–time deterministic (DSTD) receiver, and differential space–time deterministic de-prefix (DSTDD) receiver, respectively. The DSTD receiver exploits the known information of the spreading sequences and their delayed paths deterministically besides the Rake-type combination; consequently, it can outperform the DSTR receiver, which employs the Rake-type combination only, especially for moderate-to-high SNR. The DSTDD receiver avoids the effect of intersymbol interference and hence can offer better performance than the DSTD receiver. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

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