An Integrated Multiperiod OPF Model With Demand Response and Renewable Generation Uncertainty

Renewable energy sources such as wind and solar have received much attention in recent years, and large amounts of renewable generation are being integrated into electricity networks. A fundamental challenge in power system operation is to handle the intermittent nature of renewable generation. In this paper, we present a stochastic programming approach to solve a multiperiod optimal power flow problem under renewable generation uncertainty. The proposed approach consists of two stages. In the first stage, operating points of the conventional power plants are determined. The second stage realizes generation from the renewable resources and optimally accommodates it by relying on the demand-side flexibilities. The proposed model is illustrated on a 4-bus and a 39-bus system. Numerical results show that substantial benefits in terms of redispatch costs can be achieved with the help of demand side flexibilities. The proposed approach is tested on the standard IEEE test networks of up to 300 buses and for a wide variety of scenarios for renewable generation.

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