Improved methods for distribution loss evaluation. Volume 1: analytic and evaluative techniques. Final report
This volume describes the background research, the application of the proposed loss evaluation techniques, and the results. The research identified present loss calculation methods as appropriate, provided care was taken to represent the various system elements in sufficient detail. The literature search of past methods and typical data revealed that extreme caution in using typical values (load factor, etc.) should be taken to ensure that all factors were referred to the same time base (daily, weekly, etc.). The performance of the method (and computer program) proposed in this project was determined by comparison of results with a rigorous evaluation of losses on the Salt River Project system. This rigorous evaluation used statistical modeling of the entire system as well as explicit enumeration of all substation and distribution transformers. Further tests were conducted at Public Service Electric and Gas of New Jersey to check the appropriateness of the methods in a northern environment. Finally sensitivity tests indicated data elements inaccuracy of which would most affect the determination of losses using the method developed in this project.