Present status of JEFF-3.1 validation for fast reactors using the ERANOS-2.1 code system
The latest release (2.1) of the ERANOS code system, using JEF-2.2, JEFF-3.1 and ENDF/B-VI r8 multigroup cross-section libraries is currently being validated on fast reactor critical experiments at CEA-Cadarache (France). This paper briefly presents the library effect studies and the detailed best-estimate validation studies performed up to now as part of the validation process. The library effect studies are performed over a wide range of experimental configurations, using simple model and method options. They yield global trends about the shift from JEF-2.2 to JEFF-3.1 cross-section libraries, that can be related to individual sensitivities and cross-section changes. The more detailed, best-estimate, calculations have been performed up to now over three experimental configurations carried out in the MASURCA critical facility at CEA-Cadarache: two cores with a softened spectrum due to large amounts of graphite (MAS1A' and MAS1B), and a core representative of sodium-cooled fast reactors (CIRANO ZONA2A). Calculated values have been compared to measurements, and discrepancies analyzed in detail using perturbation theory. Values calculated with JEFF-3.1 were found to be within 3 standard deviations of the measured values, and at least of the same quality as the JEF-2.2 based results. (authors)