Planung, Bau und Betrieb einer biologischen Abwasseraufbereitung für REA-Abwasser

The Bewag company in Berlin operates since 1988 flue gas desulphurising plants in the limestone wash procedure. The resulting waste water was spent from the beginning in evaporation plants, because of Berlins specific situation. The collective view of all ecological (water, air, soil) and environmental-political aspects led to a changed aspect concerning the thermal utilization of waste water. The lecture describes, that in a time of 11/2 years in cooperation with the appropriate authority an economical and ecological out-ofdate sewage water treatment for the effluent of a desulphurisation system was disused. Instead a modern biological treatment of waste water was built and started up. The waste water behind the biological treatment keeps the conditions of the Annex 47-Waste Water Ordinance, salient point is the limit value 35 mg/l for the parameter TOC. This sewage water can be introduced directly into the receiving stream. The considerations and conditions, procedure principle and its conversion are described as well as relevant results and measuring data are represented. The report shows, that with good cooperation of all involved an ecologically and economically convincing result was obtained in shortest time.