Chapter Seven – Ancillary processes

Publisher Summary This chapter describes the ancillary processes, which have a direct bearing on the success of the CM major processes. These auxiliary processes are so important to best in class CM because of deviation process, service parts process, publications process, and failure reporting process. Deviations are temporary departures from a specified item design for a specific number of units or a specific timeframe. They are present in most product-manufacturing companies whether desirable or not and whether used properly or misused. Most companies designate certain items as service parts—those subject to wear, damage, or frequent failure—and carry a limited quantity of each in a service inventory. Publications or service manuals are frequently ignored by management and the CM function. They are extremely important to service people and customers. Product failure information is critical to an engineer's ability to change the product to correct those design issues. It is one of the most difficult processes facing any manufacturing company.