정비성이 향상된 KSAE 대학생 자작자동차 설계 및 제작

The KSAE Self Made University Student Automobile Contest has been held every year since 2007 to provide opportunities to obtain knowledge and skills related to automobiles, to inspire the desire to study through automobile sports, and to contribute to the development of automobile engineering and the automobile industry, and finally to cultivate professionals of the future automobile industry where the evaluation categories of the tournament were the static testing of vehicles, stopping/acceleration testing and durability testing. To enter into the ‘2015 KSAE Self Made University Student Automobile Contest’, through the process of manufacturing an automobile from design to production, a highly safe automobile that adhered to the design conditions was manufactured. To improve maintainability, a chassis frame that adhered to the design conditions was manufactured and parts related to the power transmission, suspension system and steering systems were designed, and using CATIA, the layout of the parts, utilization of space and the assembly finish etc. were also evaluated. To promote the driving dynamics of the vehicle in particular, by implementing a LSD and Wheel Alignment, it was attempted to improve driving dynamics.