DECT security analysis
DECT is a standard for cordless phones. The intent of this thesis is to evaluate DECT security in a
comprehensive way. To secure conversations over the air, DECT uses two proprietary algorithms, namely
the DECT Standard Authentication Algorithm (DSAA) for authentication and key derivation, and the DECT
Standard Cipher (DSC) for encryption. Both algorithms have been kept secret and were only available
to DECT device manufacturers under a None Disclosure Agreement (NDA). The reader is first introduced
into the DECT standard. The two algorithms DSAA and DSC have been reverse engineered and are then
described in full detail. At first, attacks against DECT devices are presented, that are based on faults made
by the manufacturers while implementing the DECT standard. In the next Chapters, attacks against the
DSAA and the DSC algorithm are described, that recover the secret keys used by these algorithms faster
than by brute force. Thereafter, a attack against the DECT radio protocol is described, that decrypts
encrypted DECT voice calls. Finally, an outlook over the next release of the DECT standard is presented,
that is expected to counter all attacks against DECT, that are described in this thesis.