Visual masking effects on duration, size, and form discrimination

In duration, size, and form discrimination tasks, a visual noise mask was presented at variable delays after stimulus offset in order to interrupt processing and control the extent of processing time. Previous work (Thomas & Cantor, 1975) had suggested that both perceived duration and perceived nontemporal “information” might be expected to increase as processing time was extended. As predicted, accuracy in the discrimination of size of circles and form of non-sense figures was found to vary directly with stimulus duration (20, 50 msec) and mask delay interval (0, 30, 70, 110 msec). Differences in perceived duration between filled (forms or circles) and unfilled (blank) intervals were found to increase monotonically with increases in the mask delay interval, when non-sense forms, but not circles, were presented. Two hypotheses of visual masking (“integration” and “interruption”) are discussed. Within the context of the “integration” hypothesis, a model is proposed which predicts processing time as a function of stimulus duration, mask delay interval, and the interval between onset of the mask and termination of processing.