Application of Integrated Programs of Geographical Information System (MapInfo 6.0) and Network Analysing (EPAnet 2.09) for Estimating Water Loss in Public Water Industry (Case Study: Water Loss as Long as Primary Pipelines at Sampangan All Around Region in Semarang City)

Development of Geographic Information System (GIS) such as tools for phenomenon analysing basic on geographical integrated data, so analysing has done by holistic and spacial scope. Integrated design of GIS software (MapInfo 6.0) with pipelines distribution network software(Epanet 2.09) used for analyze of water losses in water distribution pipelines (Case study on primary pipelines for Sampangan all around region). Integrated programs has used for engineering management of public waterpipelines for waterloss estimating ones . It is macroanalysing (major losses in pipelines principles) that spacial related. Pressure difference at node between simulation and field checking is pressure loss that flow loss as long as those pipelines. (Keywords : GIS, network analysing, MapInfo and EPAnet integrated, pipelines distribution network, water loss, drinking water)