Enhancing the Robustness of Deep Neural Networks by Boundary Conditional GAN

Deep neural networks have been widely deployed in various machine learning tasks. However, recent works have demonstrated that they are vulnerable to adversarial examples: carefully crafted small perturbations to cause misclassification by the network. In this work, we propose a novel defense mechanism called Boundary Conditional GAN to enhance the robustness of deep neural networks against adversarial examples. Boundary Conditional GAN, a modified version of Conditional GAN, can generate boundary samples with true labels near the decision boundary of a pre-trained classifier. These boundary samples are fed to the pre-trained classifier as data augmentation to make the decision boundary more robust. We empirically show that the model improved by our approach consistently defenses against various types of adversarial attacks successfully. Further quantitative investigations about the improvement of robustness and visualization of decision boundaries are also provided to justify the effectiveness of our strategy. This new defense mechanism that uses boundary samples to enhance the robustness of networks opens up a new way to defense adversarial attacks consistently.

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