VIEWPOINT: Infrastructure Renewal Requires More Than Money, Political Will, and Commitment

Dr. Ralph Haas is The Nonnan W. McLeod Engineering Professor at the University of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, and past chainnan of its Department of Civil Engineering. He is also a founding partner and honorary chainnan of the ITX Stanley Inc. group of infrastructure consultants. Haas has been elected to the Canadian Academy of Engineering and is a Fellow of the Canadian Society of Civil Engineering. He has also been honored as a Distinguished Alumnus of the University of Alberta's Faculty of Engineering. He is a member of ASCE and serves on the editorial board of the Journal of Infrastructure Systems. In addition to an extensive consulting and lecturing career in many countries around the world, Haas has chaired the Pavement Management Committee of the Transportation Research Board and the Pavements Technical Committee of the Transportation Association of Canada. Currently, he is chainnan of the International Society for Asphalt Pavements, and serves on a number of other professional bodies, councils, and committees. In 1994 he chaired the Third International Conference on Managing Pavements in San Antonio, Tex., and will cochair the Fourth Conference in Durban, South Africa, in 1988. Haas has published extensively, including 10 coauthored books and monographs, about 300 technical papers, and more than 150 major technical reports.