A software engineering using Ada 95 course
This paper presents a software engineering course titled "Software Engineering Using Ada 95" for undergraduate junior and senior levels. This course was developed under a Defense Information System Agency curriculum development grant support. In this course software methodology, object oriented techniques, CASE tools and the software development process are addressed. Ada 95 is also taught. Students are guided to design, implement, test and document various components and subsystems by using CASE tools. Four projects are designed that are either individual or team projects. By developing these projects students practice all steps of the software development process, various object oriented techniques, and integrate advanced features of Ada 95 into these system developments.This course covers all basic software engineering topics in the ACM/IEEE Computing Curriculum as well as part of advanced software engineering topics [3][5], trains students to be software engineers with experience in various industrial environments, guides students to practice using Ada 95 [2] and promotes Ada 95 applications. Therefore, this course is applied towards satisfying requirements for a B.S. degree in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Software Engineering and Information Management.