Performance Analysis of the KOMPSAT-1 Orbit Determination Using GPS Navigation Solutions

In this paper, the performance of the KOMPSAT-1 orbit determination (OD) accuracy at the ground station was analyzed by using the flight data. The Bayesian least squares estimation was used for the orbit determination and the assessment of the orbit accuracy was evaluated based on orbit overlap comparisons. We also compared the result from OD using GPS navigation solutions with NORAD TLE and the result from OD using range data. Furthermore, the effect of observation type and OBT drift on the accuracy was investigated. As a consequence, It is shown that the OD accuracy using only GPS position data is on the order of 5m RMS (Root Mean Square) with 4 hrs arc overlap for the 30hr arc and the GPS velocity data is not proper as a observation for the OD due to its inferior quality. The significant deterioration of the accuracy due to the critical clock bias was not founded by means of the comparison of OD result from other observations.會Ā᐀颗?⨀桢綴Ā᐀會Ā᐀?⨀つ綴瀀ꀏ會Ā䢘?⨀쁧綴Ā᐀會Ā᐀ꂘ?⨀塨綴Ā㰀會Ā㰀?⨀綴Ā㈀會Ā㈀備?⨀衩綴Ā᐀會Ā᐀ꢙ?⨀綴Ā᐀會Ā᐀š?⨀롪綴ᄀĀ저會Ā저墚?⨀恥綴Ā저會Ā저낚?⨀綴Ā저會Ā저࢛?⨀遦綴Ā저會Ā저悛?⨀c綴؀Ā؀會Ā؀뢛?⨀顣綴䔀Ā切會Ā切ႜ?⨀졤綴Ā搀會Ā搀梜?⨀퀙鮬Ā저會Ā저삜?⨀栚鮬Ā저會Ā저ᢝ?⨀綴ࠀĀࠀ會Āࠀ炝?⨀롭綴Ā저會Ā저좝?⨀偮綴᐀Ā저會Ā저₞?⨀鮬瀀ꀏ會Ā碞?⨀ᢙ綥ĀĀĀ會ĀĀ킞?⨀衝뎝Ā